Lifestyle Tips for Managing Gout

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Gout

Gout is a condition in which uric acid crystals build up in the joints, causing intense pain and inflammation. Gouty arthritis typically affects the joints in the feet, particularly the big toe, but it can occur in any joint, depending on the circumstances. The best way to manage gout and prevent frequent flareups is through lifestyle changes including eating habits, exercise, and stress reduction.
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Sweet Treats for Diabetes

Sweet Treats for Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that develops when blood sugar levels are higher than usual. The primary source of energy for your body is blood glucose, which is normally derived from the foods we eat. Type 1 diabetes arises if the body is not able to produce insulin, while type 2 occurs when the body isn’t able to utilize insulin for energy properly.
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Smells That Can Trigger Migraines

Smells That Can Trigger Migraines

Migraines are debilitating headaches that often cause symptoms of blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Many different environmental factors, including weather, stress, and even smell can trigger a migraine. In fact, 95-percent of migraine sufferers report sensitivity to certain smells, which is known as osmophobia. Specific odors known to trigger migraine attacks include:
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Sleep Apnea Risk Factors

Sleep Apnea Risk Factors

Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous sleep disorder that causes breathing to stop and start temporarily during slumber. Symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, choking during sleep, dry mouth, sore throat upon waking, morning headaches, and daytime fatigue. Sleep apnea is most common among older males (who are three times more affected than women) and obese individuals.
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Foods That Can Cause Iron Anemia Issues

Foods That Can Cause Iron Anemia Issues

Anemia is a medical condition characterized by an inadequate red blood cell count. There are many types of anemia, but all of them have symptoms of chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle cramping and weakness, dizziness, and cold hands and feet. Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent type of anemia, often caused by a lack of iron in the diet.
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The Worst Foods for Joint Pain

The Worst Foods for Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis, which is often referred to as “wear and tear” disease, is the most prevalent form of arthritis. Joint pain due to arthritis is very common, particularly in patients of advanced age. According to WebMD, one-third of adults experience joint pain, with the knees, shoulders, and hips being the most commonly affected areas.
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Snacks That Can Help Fight Depression

Snacks That Can Help Fight Depression

Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand and both can be detrimental to physical and mental health. According to psychologists, depression often triggers anxiety, and being chronically anxious leads to worsening symptoms of depression. Although both anxiety and depression can be treated with doctor-prescribed medications and ongoing therapy, our nutrition can also help stabilize mood and reduce depression and anxiety.
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The Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

The Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

Millions of people experience breathing issues due to respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, and emphysema. While some people experience mild symptoms, others with chronic breathing conditions might deal with symptoms that are severe enough to impact their quality of life. Did you know that what you eat has a direct correlation with how well you breathe?
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