3 main features to look for while buying baby cribs
Choosing a crib for your baby is nothing less than difficult. Especially because you have to choose the right one for the comfort of your baby. There are a variety of options available today, and the dilemma of choice means you will be more confused than ever and are more likely to make a wrong choice. Who knew buying toddler size beds would be such a task?
None of this is to scare you at the prospect of buying baby cribs – but you do need some guidance and assistance. Since your baby is going to spend a lot of time in the baby crib, it is best for you to choose the right one.

Mattress height and support
This is a feature you should prioritize in baby cribs since an adjustable height of the mattress will make sure the crib lasts longer. A higher mattress will make it easier to lower newborns. When your baby gets older, you can lower the mattress, ensuring that the baby stays safely in the crib.
The mattress support is just as important as the height, if not more. Some support bars come in the form of criss-cross wires on metal frames, others have wooden slats.
Stationary sides/drop feature
You will find that the most common feature in baby cribs is a stationary side because it is safer and more secure. However, lately both single and double drop sides have flooded the market, and the design has been changed to become safer and more accommodating.
Most parents prefer the traditional route and choose to have stationary sides. This is a matter of personal preference, and how fidgety your baby is.
Wheels or no wheels
As it is obvious, wheels are a great added feature. But the wheel casters matter a lot. If the caster is flimsy and thin, you’ll end up struggling to move your crib. You’ll also risk breaking it. Smooth turning wheels are necessary to ensure that you can clean under the crib and move it from room to room if needed.
Of course, the best part about wheels on baby cribs is that they can be added! If you find a crib you like, simply add wheels to it as your baby grows. They’re also easy to install by yourself, so you can save on costs this way.